Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Outfits from the OTHER Martins

These cute striped outfits were a gift from our good friends the Martins. Greg and Michele and Maggie, Kelsey, Allie and Jake Martin are friends that go back to my parents college days. I love the outfits and took these pictures especially to send to the Martins. Of course I haven't done that yet, but I LOVE these pictures and couldn't wait to post them.

Can you believe I had a baby that has eyelashes like these? I think Josie will be jealous unless hers really catch up as they get older. She didn't really have ANY eyelashes when she was born, and hers are beautiful now so maybe they'll keep growing. I have always complained about my stubby eyelashes, and I'm proud my kiddos won't have to. :)

I love how enthralled they are with their Daddy in this picture. Mia loves to watch both babies when Jeff and I come in the room because they really are paying attention to us these days. We feel special!

1 comment:

Sarah French said...

They are just too cute for words!!!!