Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Rider is HOME

We came home with Rider last night at about 8:00 because we had to wait for the person to bring his monitor and train us on it. He passed his sleep study as "borderline normal" so that is the reason for the monitor. He had one Brady where his heart rate drops lower than it should, but he is always able to recover on his own. He weighed 5 lbs 10 oz at discharge.

Josie had a couple of episodes of apnea in her sleep study so the doctor thought it would be best for her to stay one more week. She has consistently been developmentally one week behind Rider so it isn't too surprising. The doctor also reiterated that she is doing great and is only showing her immaturity with the breathing struggles. She will continue to improve and catch up with her brother. She weighed 4 lbs 6 oz yesterday. It was more difficult to leave Josie there by herself than it had been leaving them both, but Jeff and I feel really good about doing what is best for both Rider and Josie according to their doctors.

Jeff and I were on our own last night and managed just fine. My mother came this morning and I took quite a few naps already. :)

1 comment:

Pray~and~Wait said...

Praise the Lord that Rider got to go home! I will be praying for Josie...and for you and Jeff...I can't imagine having to leave her there...before you know it, she will be there too!!!
~beth farquhar