Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Twin Update

Rider and Josie are 7 months old! I can't believe how fast the time has gone already. They had their 6 month check up a little late because of their immunization schedule. The doctor was pleased with their development in every area except their weights. They are really doing well in spite of their "preemie" status.

Rider at 6 mos 3 wks

27 inches--55% :) yea!

14 lbs 12 oz--5 % :( boo!

43.5 cm (head circumference)--30% good brain development gonna be smart

Josie at 6 mos 3 wks

25.25 inches--20%

11 lbs 14 oz--<3%

42 cm (head circumference)--30% another smart one ;)

Since they aren't moving up on the growth chart in the weight category Jeff and I spent an extra 30 minutes at the pediatrician working on a new feeding schedule. PRAY for me as I am now feeding the babies every 1 1/2 hours unless they are asleep. I am still only nursing every three or so hours, but in between each of those scheduled feedings I am spoon feeding three times a day. Not only that, the food they are getting is quite the concoction...for breakfast and supper they get two table spoons rice cereal, 2 oz formula, 1 tea spoon olive oil and half a jar of fruit. Lunch is much easier, they get a jar of vegetables with a tea spoon of olive oil. I added a table spoon of rice cereal on my own because I felt sorry for them that they were eating veggies with olive oil sitting on top! YUCK! The cereal at least soaks up the oil a little bit. :(

We don't go back to the doctor until their 9 month check up in July. I have only been on this schedule for two weeks and already feel like all we do is prepare to eat, eat, change diapers and prepare to eat again!

Rider is really "creeping" and both grandpas say it's crawling. But he really isn't using is hands and knees in a coordinated manner. He CAN get where ever he wants to go at a top speed. Josie is sitting up all on her own and pulling up to her knees in her crib when she is ready to get out. It continues to amaze me how differently they are developing. We are doing the same things all together everyday, and yet there skills come in no particular order.